Partner Success Story – Greenfield, Indiana

This campaign is a part of a continual year over year campaign. Below are the results of 2021 advertising.

Detailed Fencing, and Facebook precision.

This campaign goal was focused around increased ticket sales. We were tasked with pushing ads to specifically increase ticket sales. The click-thru URL attached to the ads went directly to the event page where the tickets were being sold. 


Adults, ages 25 – 65+ years old. For the Facebook location targeting, we ran a 25 mile radius around Greenfield, IN. We narrowed this down by also choosing detailed targeting for people who shared common interests. 

With Geo-Fencing, we fenced 50 specific locations. These locations were pubs, craft breweries, wineries, and other related locations around Central Indiana. 



The main challenges for this campaign centered on increasing the event traffic. It was a challenge to work on increasing ticket sales. We wanted to make sure that our methods would results in more event ticket purchases. Another key challenge was to see how effective our geo-fences would be when targeting specific locals. Would we get enough traffic from those fences to justify the method?

Our Plan.

In order to reach our intended target, we utilized several ad platforms for this campaign. We started with a traditional Facebook campaign, and used 50 geo-fences to target locations as well. We focused on demographics that were age appropriate, as well as utilized detailed targeting to serve ads to those people who were interested in the customers cause. 


Through our strategies, we were able to increase the overall number of event goers from the previous year.

Impressions - by platform
  • Facebook – 313,119
  • Geo-Fence – 105,639
Reach - by platform
  • Facebook – 90,768
  • Geo-Fence – 52,819
Total Clicks - by platform
  • Facebook – 1,216
  • Geo-Fence – 176
Click Through Rate - by platform
  • Facebook – 0.39%
  • Geo-Fence – 0.17%

Want to try?

If you are interested in learning about Facebook advertising, and how we can optimize the campaigns to increase your reach, please contact us and start today!